Jade L. Jones as Ella, TroyElan Richardson as Felicia, Matthew Zenon as Felix, and Sage Spiker as Kelly

Audiences may remember the fantastic performances of Jade, TroyElan, and Matthew in Pipeline, and Sage in the hilarious 9 to 5, The Musical – both shows produced by The Studio last year. Here are some things you may not know about these wonderful performers:

TroyElan Richardson in Pipeline

Where are you from?

Jade: South Florida

TroyElan: Georgia

Sage: Iowa

What have you been working on prior to No. 6?

Sage: most recently, Elvis in Million Dollar Quartet

Jade: Mama Euralie in Once on this Island at Slow Burn Theatre

TroyElan: I’ve been working on a feature film The Selector back in Atlanta

Sage Spiker and Sara DelBeato in 9 to 5 The Musical (2021)

How long have you been performing?

TroyElan:  I have been acting ever since my freshman year of high school. I was a little shy as a kid, but I have always loved being creative! I started out in dance classes. After I saw the local high school put on High School Musical, I made a plan to get into musical theatre. The musical part fell off a little after high school, but maybe one day!

Sage: I started performing in middle school. I was loud and loved attention so it was a natural fit!

Jade L. Jones and Damany O. Riley in Pipeline (2021)

What inspires you?

TroyElan:  I am so inspired by my friends. Many of them have worked really hard towards their dreams and are really starting to see hard work pay off. We are like a team, continuously learning and lifting each other. 

Do you have a motto or favorite quote?

Jade: This year’s theme is “He wouldn’t give it to me, if He didn’t think I could handle it!”

Matthew Zenon in Pipeline (2021)

What about the production of No. 6 are you looking forward to the most?

TroyElan: I feel blessed to get back to work with a few friends. But I am really excited to tell a new story and share a new slice of life. 

Sage: This will be my first non-musical in a long time; I’m looking forward to playing a meatier role than I have in awhile.

Read more about the play, No. 6 by T.J. Young

“The question’s not if we will weather this unknown, but how we will weather the unknown together.” –Amanda Gorman

*Production photos for 9 to 5, The Musical and Pipeline by Brian Sumner